TxSIP’s sensible immigration solution was included as reference in the Texans For Economic Growth’s Federal Priorities for 2020-2021.
Here is our stance, we call it ID and Tax:
We support immigration reform that will enable us to grow our workforce and discourage misclassification of workers (falsely calling them independent contractors).
America must create a method for unauthorized immigrants to earn their legal status. It should require them to provide a positive ID, pass a criminal background check, promise to learn English, and agree to work only for employers that deduct and match taxes.
There can be no shortcuts to citizenship, back of the line provisions only.
Texans for Economic Growth is a bi-partisan group of over 120 Texas business leaders and organizations that have assembled to call on lawmakers to support economically beneficial immigration policies at the federal and state levels, myself included. On Tuesday, they released an outline of their federal priorities for 2020-2021.
Please continue to contact your lawmakers and ask them to work on passing sensible immigration policy like ID and Tax.
God bless America.