TXSIP has signed the Texas Compact on Immigration to join more than 65 Texas business leaders and organizations as a member of the Texans for Economic Growth Coalition. The organization advocates for business-minded state and federal immigration policies that will help increase the contributions that immigrants are able make to our economy as workers, students, taxpayers, and consumers.
The Texas Compact on Immigration supports sensible immigration policy that will “ensure our federal system meets the needs of our labor market; find a solution for undocumented Texans who make vital contributions to our state’s economy; secure the border; and enforce our nation’s laws.”
Right now we are calling for lawmakers to reject Texas HB 413 and SB 576, two bills filed to repeal in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants in Texas. New research released by New American Economy shows that these bills would be bad for Texas’ economy and could result in nearly $400 million in lost economic activity for Texas each year.
Under a current state law passed in 2001 under Republican Governor Rick Perry, Texas allows undocumented immigrants to qualify for in-state tuition at public universities if they have been living here for at least three years, graduated from a Texas high school or received a GED, and signed an affidavit promising to pursue a method to earn their legal status if one becomes available. Out of 181 members of the Legislature, there were only FOUR "no" votes on the bill.
This legislation has enabled undocumented immigrants and legal non-citizen immigrants who want to attend college and develop their careers in Texas to be able to afford it. The “affidavit students,” as they are called, for the most part fill seats that otherwise would go unoccupied. The overwhelming majority of them attend community colleges. Very few of our state-supported universities and colleges enjoy full enrollment. Even though in-state tuition is about 1/3 of nonresident tuition, if we eliminate the millions of dollars currently being paid by affidavit students, our state supported institutions would be forced to lay off staff or ask for more of our tax dollars.
Each class of affidavit graduates generates an additional $397.8 million of economic activity through increased earnings, spending, and tax revenues. Without these graduates, Texas could lose $213 million in wage earnings and $184.2 million in additional spending power per year.
A better educated workforce makes the Texas economy stronger!
Please join me in contacting your state lawmakers to tell them to vote no on HB 413 and SB 576.
May God bless Texas, and may He continue to bless America.